Has it been a long winter or what!?! Summer can't come soon enough! We hope you are getting excited about the pool opening - it's less than 10 weeks away!
Here are some important dates you need to know and put on your calendar:
Sat, March 20th - Work Day (9 am to 5 pm) All day?!? Yes!
*** We have LOTS to get done and we need everyone's help! Please try to come for at least a 3-hour period. 9 - 5 is so that everyone can try and squeeze in some much appreciated help - from bathroom cleaning, to moving rip/rap to the creek bank, to construction repairs).
Sun, April 18th - Swim Team Sign-ups (3-5 pm in the clubhouse)
Sat, April 24th - Work Day (9 am to 5 pm - again!)
Mon, May 3rd - Swim Team practice starts
Sat, May 22th - Pool Opens for Everyone!
And here's the most important date: APRIL 30TH - DUES ARE DUE!
We are pleased to announce that for the 4th year in a row, dues remain unchanged. However, for the second year in a row, there will be a $50 late fee.
Family: $450
Couple: $400
Single: $350
You can pay online now <http://www.hhstc.com/MembershipRenew.html> or mail a check to: HHSTC, PO Box 80141, Chamblee, GA 30366.
Other important news/updates:
- We elected our new 2010 Board of Directors and Officers <http://www.hhstc.com/Board.html> . We also welcomed new Board Member Ann Hickman, who will serve on the Social Committee. And we want to send a BIG THANK YOU to Spencer Scarborough, for all the many years and countless hours he put into the Club.
- The baby pool will be resurfaced in early May.
- We had to remove some dead/hazardous trees over the winter and fix 2 fences (costs we had not expected to incur).
- Winter was hard on the parking lot and the creek bank, but we are hoping to do some low-cost repairs/improvements to them during the work days.
- We are planning for major bathroom cleanings, along with some minor cosmetic improvements (also to be done during work days).
- We made a very large pre-payment towards our outstanding loan balance, getting us almost 2.5 years closer to the pay-off date.
- We have upgraded our financial software, along with our budget categories and are hoping to be able to provide detailed financial reports to the membership in the near future.
- We are hoping to build a new deck before the pool opens, but it is all contingent on cash flow and membership numbers - so please pay your dues on time!
- Unless we have a large number of new members (and their initiation fees) we believe the clubhouse flooring will have to wait another year.
- We have signed a contract with a different pool management company - USA Pools <http://www.usapools.com/> . They offered a very competitive price and we are excited about working with them.
- Our Guard Manager from last year, Nick Sharda will be returning again this summer, under the new company - which is great news for us!
- We decided not to cap membership this year, but if our growth trends continue, we will probably be looking at a wait list in 2011.
-HHSTC Board
ps. If you have any questions/comments, you can just reply to this email.