Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New pool hours, social calendar, WiFi, Guest Fees, Kids 10 and Over, and more!

Dear Huntley Hills Swim & Tennis Club member,

We want to wish all new and returning members a warm welcome to the summer 2016 season. We have some key information to share with you regarding safety, key policies and general information. 

Pool Hours
We are excited to announce extended hours this year. For your convenience, attached please find a handy one-page reminder for your refrigerator or bulletin board with our social calendar, pool hours, and contact info. 

Social Calendar
Please check out our calendar of events online. We have a great lineup of fun events for all age groups.

At HHSTC we want to have a fun and safe environment for everyone's enjoyment. We ask that you review our pool safety rules. 
NO GLASS IS ALLOWED AT THE POOL. Please switch to canned beer and/or boxed wine for the summer. 

Swim at Your Own Risk (SAYOR) 
We have new extended hours for adult-members-only SAYOR times. Please follow the link below in order to learn more and sign the waiver form. If you have signed a form in the past we ask that you please sign and submit it again. Access info to the pool will be provided upon completion of the form. 
- Link provided to members via email.

Kids 10 and Over
This policy is for members who are 10 years old or older and swimming at the pool without parental supervision. If you signed the form in the past we ask that you please sign and submit it again. We recommend reviewing the policy with your child to ensure they understand the responsibilities that come with this privilege. 
- Link provided to members via email.

The guest fee is $5/person. You can pay online or put your money in the box on the left, as you walk into the pool, on the baby pool fence. Please remember that our Guest Policy states that Huntley Hills residents who are not members are not allowed as guests. 

Want to host a party at the pool? We want to hear from you! 

Select the network. Password is: @dultSw1m (capital S and 1 for the i)

Pool contact info: 
Street address: 2032 Plantation Lane, Chamblee, GA 30341
Club house phone number: 678-609-8522 

Please use one of the 4 recycling cans to help ensure we recycle as much as possible this summer. We recycle paper, cardboard, aluminium, and plastic. 

Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone this upcoming opening week!
- HHSTC Board of Directors