Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Another Long, but Productive Night...

Just a quick recap of our not-so-quick Board meeting last night. Let’s see...we are replacing ALL of the old pool furniture this year, mostly to save big on shipping costs (this will include 4 new tables/chairs/umbrellas), we are not paying for any landscaping this year (we will just have to rely on our workday volunteers and their chain saws), we are going with Bell South for our NEW wireless Internet, we are not getting the keypad entry (costs too much, can’t afford it), we are getting all new signs in and around the pool, we are not getting a cover for the baby pool this year (costs too much, maybe next year), we are going to have new super cool, personalized pool tags (you’ll just have to wait and be surprised!), the dirt pile by the tennis courts will be gone soon, the debris piles from the workday will be picked up in the next couple of days, we are getting 1 (maybe 2) BIG shade umbrellas (in addition to the 8 umbrella tables) to replace shade lost from the pine trees being cut, we have no idea how many members are coming back, since dues are not yet due and there was no late fee on the assessment deadline (but people will NOT be even allowed in the gate if they have not paid in full...we are serious about this!), our Memorial Day party is members only this year and food will be served (for a small price) from 11:30 to 2:30, we have had 6 new memberships already come in (yeah!), holes for the swim team flag pins will be drilled at the same time we install the baby pool fence, we are having a neighborhood open-house party Friday 30th from 5-10pm, the new 2008 hours have been approved and will be online soon (we are opening at 10am every day in July and August!), we are getting the clubhouse painted and all the doors replaced, and I’m sure there are many things I missed, but I’m not the Secretary, and is this not the longest run-on, most grammatically incorrect sentence you’ve ever seen?!?

It’s all I have time to do right now...

Monday, March 10, 2008

1st work day was a HUGE success...

The first volunteer work day of the year was a big time success!

John Ferrell submitted the following report in an email to the Board members:

I just wanted to thank everyone who helped out on Sat. It was a successful day. The Got Junk guys rock!!!!!!

Snack Room- cleaned
Ladies restroom- cleaned
Trash out of back area- done
2nd coat of paint on clubhouse walls- done
All pool furniture is in back now
Kitchen is cleaned

The ceiling is 1/4 of the way done
Men's Restroom- still needs to be cleaned - maybe after all of the pool work is done.


And Kerri and Ashley further elaborated about the massive amounts of pure junk we got rid of. Junk that had accumulated over the last 5 (maybe 50?) years. And they both reported on the AWESOME (free) job our local Sponsor (1-800-GOT JUNK) did. They took away 3 trucks full of stuff and helped move ALL the furniture to the back, in order to prepare the deck for the concrete work. So please, if you’ve got junk, consider them in your junk removal plan!

What was all the junk? Old, broken pool furniture, broken tables, leftover junk from various maintenance efforts, lots of old paint and chemical cans, old (falling apart) bookcases, etc. etc. We are off to a fresh start in 2008!

Thanks to everyone who showed up to help!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Update email...

2008 is going to be a GREAT season! Here are some important things to know:

* Check out our NEW website - www.hhstc.com - to view our new Google calendar, our new Blog, new photos, frequency asked questions, membership stats, Board meeting minutes, pay dues and much more!

* The $250/household assessment is due by April 15th! Pay by check (made out to HHSTC) and mail to P.O. Box 80141, Chamblee, GA 30366. The assessment is paying for much needed repairs and improvements, including a new concrete pool deck and a new fence (including a fence around the baby pool).

* Continue to check our online Blog for construction updates. Concrete project will be awarded to a company this week! It’s going to get messy this month but then it will be spectacular. Enjoy watching it, but please stay back they will be on a tight schedule.

* We have our 1st ever round robin tennis social on March 14th at 5:30! ALL skill levels welcome (adults only). Details are on our website. (Update: rain delayed until the 28th)

* Your Board members have been working hard this winter to make improvements to the clubhouse and grounds. But we need help! Please come to the volunteer workdays on March 8th and April 16th, at 9:00 am.

* Swim Team Sign-up is Sunday, April 20th 2pm-4pm at the Clubhouse and the first practice is Monday, May 12th.

* Pool Opens Saturday, May 24th!

* Do you have an opinion you would like to Board to hear? Or maybe some ideas about how to improve our club, increase membership or how to just make things more fun for everyone? Please email anything you’ve got to: myopinion@hhstc.com.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The pine tress are gone...

It was bitter sweet. So sad. But it had to be done. Life (and operating expenses) will be better without them.

We will dearly miss the shade. But we will not miss...

The constantly clogged pool filters.
The pool bottom, always coated with tree droppings.
The pool deck covered in pine needles and pine cones.
1/4 of the tennis deck being consumed by tree trunks.
The ever-present risk of one of the large, awkward branches falling on someone and/or doing serious damage to the clubhouse or the pool or (and especially!) our new pool deck.

It was a hard decision and the Board debated it for over 2 years. And now that they are gone, all our Board members agree that it was the best decision. But still, so sad. 

UPDATE: A couple of members have donated shade tents for the pool deck and the tennis deck. Yippee!

In case your assessment letter got lost in the mail...

Greetings Huntley Hills Swim & Tennis Members:

The 2008 season is right around the corner, and we are all very excited about what this year is going to bring! Please take the time to read this entire letter as there is a lot of information here.
With the new-year we have some new board members, and I would like to introduce your 2008 board members:

Spencer Scarbrough Kerri Henderson
Larry Pope Susan Williams
Ashley Kuehne Missy Deberdinis
Jim Aitken John Farrell
Leslie Freymann Cindy Deminsky

The board has varying experience and length of membership at HHS&TC. We have the benefit of much knowledge and past experience at the club coupled with the enthusiasm of some new members. We are all ready to roll up our sleeves, work hard and make this the best year yet!
2007 was a great season for us! Membership was higher than it has been in a number of years. Participation was fantastic, and we all had a great time hanging out with old friends and meeting new ones.

With the new season we have much to do and many tough decisions to make. The topic on most minds is the water issue. I am pleased to report that Governor Perdue has announced that pools will be allowed to operate this summer. There was a huge sigh of relief all across the state!
Over the past several years we have taken on many upgrades to the equipment that you do not see such as motors, pumps & filters so that the pool remains both beautiful and clean.

We were informed by the Dekalb County inspectors that there is work that must be done at our club in order to open and stay in compliance with the current county code as it relates to neighborhood pools. The items that must be addressed are:

• Replace the wooden fence along Plantation. While the wooden fence provides a great deal of privacy it is a safety issue due to the fact that you can not see through it to determine if someone is in trouble when open or closed.
• Replace the main gate. The gate must be self-closing to prevent children from wandering out and potentially going into the parking lot or street without parents’ knowledge.
• Install a fence surrounding the baby pool. At the time that our pool was built, it was in compliance, but now there are standards dictating the proximity of a baby pool to the deep end of the main pool. Our baby pool is too close; therefore, it must be surrounded by a fence of its own.
• Replace the pool deck or surround. The last time that our deck was replaced it was done in a sub standard way, resulting in the cracks and broken areas that you see around the pool. In addition to the appearance, it has become a safety issue that has to be addressed. We have to replace the entire pool deck and make sure that it is done by a reputable vendor with direct experience with swimming pools and the issues associated with that type of use.

That is quite a list! A list that comes with a hefty price tag, and that is what your board is working on now. You may recall receiving several e-mails over the past few months discussing various options for paying for these items.
We had proposed issuing bonds to the members at $1,000 each to cover the needed repairs. The plan was to repay interest annually that would go towards membership renewal. The response that we got back was mostly positive, but not enough members committed to this for it to make sense. It was suggested that perhaps we partly fund the repairs with these bonds and finance the remainder through a bank loan. This is not a feasible option as it would increase expenses but reduce cash flow. That is not a good combination!
It became apparent that we would have to finance the repairs, so we then sent out a survey on-line asking the opinion of the membership as to how to proceed. The options were to increase the annual membership going forward or to have a one time assessment. The results were almost unanimous to have a one time assessment, and that is where we are today.
In order to complete the work in time for the pool opening, we must begin by March 1st. Obviously this does not allow time to collect funds to cover the repairs, so we are in the process of working with the bank on financing. We are putting in place a one time assessment. This will allow us to repay any borrowed funds in a matter of two years. There are two options to choose from. You can make one payment of $250, or if it is better for you, you may choose to break it up into two payments of $150 for each of the next two years. We ask that this be satisfied by April 15th. In order to not have to pay the membership and assessment at once, we are opening the line now so that if you like you may pay the assessment now and the membership as we get closer to the season. The assessment needs to be paid by check. You can mail it to the club at:
Huntley Hills Swim and Tennis Club, Inc
P.O. Box 80141
Chamblee, GA  30366-0141
If you would like, you can call one of the board members that you know and we’ll come pick it up.

We had hoped to have sold the adjacent lot by now to pay for these repairs, but given the current real estate market, that has not been the case. We have listed the property with several different agents and had only one offer. The offer was a “low-ball” offer, and we were advised by professionals that it was not a good idea to accept.
In addition to the assessment we are raising the initiation fee to more closely reflect that of surrounding pools.
As you digest this information please keep in mind a few things:
• Our membership fee has consistently been and will remain below that of surrounding community pools.
• The swim & tennis is truly a part of the community and a gathering place for our neighbors.
• The swim & tennis is an asset that helps all of our property maintain and increase in value. There are only a handful of community pools in this area so it is truly a great feature for the Huntley Hills Neighborhood.
There are several ways to pay the assessment and membership fee. We are keeping this separate from the online membership ability for record keeping purposes
• Mail a check to:
Huntley Hills Swim and Tennis Club, Inc
P.O. Box 80141
Chamblee, GA  30366-0141
• Call one of the board members, and we’ll pick it up

I apologize for any inconvenience and thank you in advance for your support. Please know that we are trying to do what is right for the club and are working in the best interest of the club. Also keep in mind that if something changes and the property sells in the near future that we will pay off the loan first, make any necessary expenditure for repairs or upgrades, and set aside the remainder as a fund to protect against future assessments. Our job first and foremost is to be good stewards of the club property and finances, and that is exactly what we are trying to do.
We look forward to a great season with obvious repairs and upgrades to be proud of. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via e-mail at spencer@huntleyhills.net or via phone at 404-386-9135.

Best regards,

Spencer Scarbrough
2008 President HHS&TC

Saturday, February 16, 2008

We have new concrete!

Who would have guessed we would all be just so excited and jumping up and down for joy...over concrete?!?

Our new deck has been poured and it’s looking great! There is still lots to do but the progress over the last 2 weeks has been amazing! The concrete was poured Wednesday morning and it was quite a show! The trucks/etc they brought in were crazy big and the place looked like a carnival was setting up shop. Check out our photos page to see for yourself. The fence should be installed on Monday and then things will really start looking good!

And just in case you are wondering...yes, we will be getting new signs and we will have lots of fun smashing the old sign on Plantation (the one with the phone number (and no area code) that looks like it has been around since the beginning of time.

How we spent our Monday night...

Well, we missed tip off of the NCAA Championship game because we had yet another 3 hour HHSTC Board meeting! It would bore you to tears if we blogged about everything we talked about (and who has the time?!?)...so we’ll just say that lots of great, new things are happening this year! You’ll just have to wait and see for yourself once the season starts...

Check out our beautiful pool!

Makes you just want to jump and swim, right? And we know you can’t wait for your little ones to play in that great looking baby pool!

Well, it has to get bad, REALLY bad, before it can get GREAT. The progress has been fantastic, the weather has been cooperating and so far, our contractor has been AWESOME. All the concrete has been bashed out and they are in the process of hauling it away. Then the fun part starts...pouring our beautiful new concrete!

Oh, and the below picture is just to show you why we absolutely could not wait one more season before replacing the concrete. This was just one of numerous cracks/holes in the deck. And we don’t have a picture of the slippery puddles that always surrounding the fence side of the baby pool due to the poor grading design...but you can imagine.

Visit our photos page to see more construction pictures.

Almost Done!!!

Ok, this blogger has no time to really write much or post any photos (maybe next week!). So, you’ll just have to drive by the pool to see everything for yourself! We have new concrete, a new fence, the area next to the clubhouse has been resurfaced, the pool has been filled (thanks Spencer!) and our workday volunteers removed MASSIVE amounts of overgrown vegetation (you can now actually see the tennis courts from the street and the sign (freshly painted) that no one even knew was there is now totally visible!).

We still have to finish painting the pump house, get the entire outside of the clubhouse painted, and get the new fence for the baby pool.

Oh, and for all the shade lovers out there...we are working on it - don’t worry! At our next Board meeting in April, we plan to vote on the options. There will be some shade to replace what we lost when we had to cut down the trees.

18 months is a long time to carry a baby....

Finally...we have given birth! Now we just have to get through that difficult first month...or two.

What the heck is this blog about?!?

Selecting a concrete contractor and getting the contract signed, of course! Yes, it really did take 18 months of work...you just can’t imagine the amount of time we (ok, mostly Kerri, Susan, Spencer and Jim) spent researching contractors, discussing the options, doing more research, talking to more contractors, looking at more plans, discussing more options and then meeting and meeting and then meeting again.

Seriously, you can’t imagine.

If it helps you understand how much time and thought went into the process...we had a 3+ hour Board meeting just to decide between the three top contractors. And the conclusion at the end of the meeting was that we needed to meet again! Seriously. Not kidding. So we ALL met again, and everyone had a chance to meet the contractors and answer any remaining questions.

Finally...we delivered!!! The bid was awarded and work has already begun! Stay tuned to this Blog for further updates on our baby...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Ladies Night Out

Well, the inside of the clubhouse has been painted! And you can thank the ladies of HHSTC: Kerri, First Lady Beth, Ashley, Leslie, and Missy. 3 walls still need a second coat - and once we schedule our next ladies night out, we’ll put it on the HHSTC...if anyone else wants to join us (gentlemen welcome!).

We went from dull gray blah (with a million nicks and nail holes) and to a nice, clean neutral, yellowish/taupe color. We tried to paint the window wall a bright blue (you know, as an accent color) but the results were disastrous. Maybe someday we can revisit the access wall thing...when we get some artwork and furniture and can actually decorate the room! We are dreaming of that day...