It was bitter sweet. So sad. But it had to be done. Life (and operating expenses) will be better without them.
We will dearly miss the shade. But we will not miss...
The constantly clogged pool filters.
The pool bottom, always coated with tree droppings.
The pool deck covered in pine needles and pine cones.
1/4 of the tennis deck being consumed by tree trunks.
The ever-present risk of one of the large, awkward branches falling on someone and/or doing serious damage to the clubhouse or the pool or (and especially!) our new pool deck.
It was a hard decision and the Board debated it for over 2 years. And now that they are gone, all our Board members agree that it was the best decision. But still, so sad.
UPDATE: A couple of members have donated shade tents for the pool deck and the tennis deck. Yippee!