Well, I'm back to blogging! It's been a long time since I've updated this. Sorry about that. Life has been busy since May of 2008. Whatever.
And if you are one of the few people who actually read the Blog in 2008 (thank you, btw), you may notice I've changed the site. Without boring you with technical details, I'll just say that Google has this blog thing figured out and it's way easier than dealing with it in iWeb. So I copied all the old blogs over but didn't bother re-loading the photos b/c I didn't think it was worth 20 minutes of my time.
So, all that said, what's up with 2009?!?
Well, we have many new awesome board members, we are soon going to redo the tennis courts, there are lots of workdays planned (and this year we are going to PAY you $25 to show up and work!) and the calendar is already packed full with parties and fun social activities.
Start saving your dues money now...the late fee is back!
And if money is tight, rejoice in the fact that we are still one of the cheapest clubs around town and you can spend every Friday and Saturday night at the pool, eating cheap cookout dinners or sharing in potluck parties. Can't afford to go anywhere for the holidays? Come to the pool! We'll have food, games, and other fun surprises for Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day.
We know we said last year was the best our club had ever seen...but this year is going to be even better. We promise!