Monday, May 18, 2009

Friday's Cookout, Pool Tags, Memorial Day Party, Etc.

Welcome 2009 HHSTC members! 

If you are receiving this email, we have received your payment and all is good. Thanks!

We hope you can make it this Friday (22nd) to our opening night cookout (4:00 pm to 10:00 pm). And this Friday only, the cookout is FREE to Board members, work day volunteers, sponsors AND new members! The cost is $3 a plate for all others (includes a drink, chips and hotdog or hamburger). 

Pool tags will be available for pick up at the pool Friday night or Saturday. If we don't see you, they will then be delivered to your mailbox. 

Our Memorial Day party will be Members Only again this year. Cookout starts at around noon. Perhaps we will organize some games for the kids and grown-ups. Greased Watermelon Football anyone? <>

And remember, the new hours are 10:30 am to 8 pm (and 10 pm on Fridays) everyday, all summer long. Sundays, too? Yes! There are some early closings in June, due to swim team events and those are listed online.

One last note - this year we will be selling $30 pre-paid punch cards for Friday night cookouts. Please bring cash or a check if you would like to purchase one. 

That's all for now...hope to see you Friday! 

-HHSTC Board <>