Have you noticed how crowded the pool always is during our Friday night cookouts? We are very proud we have been able to continue this popular tradition for many, many years now. It's lots of fun for everyone!
However, it does take a tremendous amount of volunteer time to ensure we have all the supplies, food and drinks necessary and to make certain at least 2 people volunteer to set everything up, cook the food, collect the money, clean-up afterwards, etc.
And we would love the have some help!
Specifically, we need volunteers to help grill. To make the scheduling easier, you can now sign-up online. Just type your name next to the date(s) you can volunteer (and please add your cell number below your name).
Here's the link: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AsQyIehvdlzkdFFBdmZuWklIUTNpSF9zVm9ham8yY3c&hl=en
This is a GREAT fun way to get involved and meet your neighbors.
If you have any questions, please just reply to this email.
-HHSTC Board