Hello Members,
Just to clarify, we now have two phone numbers for HHSTC...
(404) 585-0657 - this number simultaneously rings to the cell phones of several Board members. If no one picks up, the voicemail will be transcribed into an email, which will be sent to Board members. Use it for general questions or to report a problem at the pool (ex. pool is not open when it should be, complaints about a lifeguard, injury we should know about, questions about renting the clubhouse, etc).
(770) 457-0993 - this number rings to the land line at the pool, located by the kitchen windows. Call it to talk to someone at the pool, check to see if we are on a thunder break, etc. This is also a phone you can to call 911 from the pool. If you are at the pool and hear the phone ring, please answer it, out of a courtesy to all our members.
-HHSTC Board