Monday, June 13, 2011

Pot Luck Dinner Wed!

We are having our first potluck dinner this Wednesday (June 15th). We hope you can make it! Please bring a dish to share (with a serving utensil) and BYOB. The club will provide plates, napkins and utensils. We plan to start eating by 6:30 pm. If we have a good turnout, we can pay the guard to stay and keep the pool open past 8 pm.

To help ensure a variety of foods, I have posted a sign-up sheet online. If you know what you are bringing, please list it. Here's the link:

Also, please try to limit desserts, as we will also have ice cream to sell ($1) and want to make sure there is enough actual dinner food (and not just plates of cookies) to eat. Thanks!

- Leslie

ps. If you can help with the setup/clean-up, please reply to this email :)

Leslie Freymann
Volunteer HHSTC Board Member
Membership Chair, Communications