Hi Members,
It seems a tropical storm is headed our way this weekend....
However, the DIP-OFF Party Sunday night is ON - rain or shine! We'll be in the clubhouse and have lots of space under the roof outside to hang out. We'll probably even have some cornhole games going. We hope to see you and your dip there. And if you don't have a dip - come anyway!
If it's raining on Labor Day Monday from 12 -2 pm and there is a small crowd at the pool, we will postpone the cookout for a later date - to be determined. However, as long as it's not thundering, the bouncy playground and slip n' slide should be lots of fun in the rain!! We'll also be showing movies in the clubhouse throughout the day, for anyone that just needs to get the kids out of the house :)
Finally, MANY THANKS to Chad McRae and Sierra Nevada for donating LOTS of beer for the dip-off and Labor Day Cookout. We'll have it readily available Sunday night and Monday.
We hope to see you at the pool - rain or shine!
Leslie Freymann
Volunteer HHSTC Board Member
Membership Chair, Communications
http://www.hhstc.com <http://www.hhstc.com>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: HHSTC <huntleyhills@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 9:46 PM
Subject: Friday Movie Night and DIP-OFF RSVP!
To: HHSTC <huntleyhills@gmail.com>
Hi Members,
Don't forget - we have lots planned for Labor Day weekend!
In addition to having a jump house and blow-up slip n' slide all weekend, we also have:
Friday - Movie Night in the clubhouse at 6 pm for the little kids.
Sunday - Pool is open to everyone - invite all your friends, family and neighbors!
Sunday Night - Adult Only DIP-OFF Party! If you are bringing a DIP (and we hope you do!) - please RSVP. We need to know what to expect so we can buy and plan accordingly. Click here to add your name to the list <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhP8t3qtwp3BdFVsX05zTy1nWGhqREhzbHJVbl90WFE&hl=en_US&authkey=CIDxoPoL> .
Also, since so many have asked - your dip does not need to be homemade. You can bring a store-bought dip and still compete for best presentation and/or best name. However, best tasting, most colorful and best dessert dip will be reserved for dips that didn't come pre-packaged from a store. Click here <http://hhstc.blogspot.com/2011/08/dip-off-details.html> for more details.
Monday - Labor Day Cookout from 12- 2 pm.
All proceeds from the weekend will go directly towards a memorial tree (and hopefully a new bike rack, as well) - dedicated to Nick Sheffey. Click here <http://hhstc.com/Sheffey.html> for more details and/or to make a direct donation online.
Thanks and we hope to see you this weekend!
- HHSTC Board