Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Caroling Party Friday!

Our Neighborhood Christmas Caroling Party starts at 6:15 pm this Friday (16th). We’ll plan to start caroling around 6:30 pm.

We can’t possibly cover the entire neighborhood so the plan is for one group to carol from the pool to Ellwyn, cross Longview, continue to Admiral, turn right, go to Plantation, turn right and then head back to the pool.  If we have time and/or more caroling groups, we’ll do more streets, around the same area. Next year we’ll cover another part of the neighborhood.

So if you are on the route and want the carolers to stop at your house, please turn all of your lights on – inside lights, too. If you don’t want carolers, please just keep your lights off.

We’ll meet back at the clubhouse for cookies and hot chocolate around 7:30ish.

Additional details:
  • If you can bring cookies, that would be GREAT – the more the better!
  • We’ll have copies of all the songs/words.
  • Please bring a flashlight and try to wear something bright and/or reflective.
  • If you have a guitar and know some classic Christmas songs – please bring it and plan to play!
  • If it’s raining, we will just sing songs in the clubhouse – we will not reschedule :)

Hope to see you there!