Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tennis "Fun" Raiser - May 11th - Everyone Welcome!

Just a reminder - our tennis courts will be resurfaced and repainted the week of May 13th. Prior to that (the week of May 6th) - our tennis fence will be painted black, so it matches our other fencing and improves curb appeal.

To help offset all of the expenses...we are having a Tennis "Fun" Raiser. You won't want to miss this GREAT event!

Saturday, May 11th

4:00 Pro Exhibition Match
5:00-6:00 Fast Paced Drills lead by teaching pros (Army and Sunny)
6:30-9:30 Round Robin Play- and “ALTA style” potluck dinner

ADULTS ONLY for drills and round robin play

Cost: $30 per person – All money will go directly towards tennis court renovations (including new nets and scoreboards!).

Please help make things easy for us by RSVPing and pre-paying online, using the "donate" button. Click here. Thanks!
Cost is $30 regardless of what time you arrive at the event.
This event will be a potluck dinner. BBQ pork and chicken will be provided as well as lemonade, sweet tea, water,and beer.

**** What to BRING: a racquet, a can of balls and

Last names: A-H : appetizer I-P: side dish Q-Z: dessert

This event is for all levels of play from beginners to advanced! You don’t even have to play tennis - come watch, eat and enjoy an evening with your fellow HHSTC members. Children are welcomed, but must be closely supervised, as they can't disturb the tennis playing and the pool cover is off, but no swimming is allowed. If you are playing tennis, please consider alternative child care arrangements. Thanks!

Contact Ashley Kuehne at kuehnea@comcast.net with questions and/or to RSVP if you don't want to pay online.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Come Join Us Sunday!

What are you doing this Sunday afternoon? We'll be down at the pool from 1-5 pm for a volunteer workday and we need your help!

We'll be hanging the shade sails, cleaning and installing the shade cabanas cloths, installing some new parking signs and a few other random projects that need completing before we can open.

Free beer to everyone who shows up! Plus, you can get reimbursed your $25 workday assessment.

We hope to see lots of you there! 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Update! Plus Tennis Fun Raiser, Court Resurfacing and Fence Painting

Hi Members,

Happy Spring! The pool cover is off and the water is starting to look pretty and blue. New furniture will be delivered Monday morning. Come by and see it!

Swim Team Suit Sizing is this Sunday (21st) at 3pm and Parent Orientation at 5pm. Practice starts Monday, April 29th.
All swim team details, dates and registration links are on our website

Also, save the date: Sunday, April 28th 1-5 pm - Free Beer! Plus a volunteer work day. Details coming soon.

In Tennis News...

Our courts will be resurfaced and repainted the week of May 13th. Prior to that (the week of May 6th) - our tennis fence will be painted black, so it matches our other fencing and improves curb appeal. 

To help offset all the costs...we are having a Tennis "Fun" Raiser - you won't want to miss this fun-filled event! 

Saturday, May 11th

4:00 Pro Exhibition Match

5:00-6:00 Fast Paced Drills lead by teaching pros (Army and Sunny)

6:30-9:30 Round Robin Play- and “ALTA style” potluck dinner

ADULTS ONLY for drills and round robin play

Cost:  $30 per person – All money will go directly towards tennis court renovations (including new nets and scoreboards!).

Bring cash or check made out to HHSTC to the event or you can pre-pay online, using the "donate" button.

Cost is $30 regardless of what time you arrive at the event.  

This event will be a potluck dinner.  BBQ pork and chicken will be provided as well as lemonade, sweet tea, water, and beer.

**** What  to BRING:  a racquet, a can of balls and

Last names:   A-H :  appetizer        I-P:  side dish            Q-Z:  dessert

This event is for all levels of play from beginners to advanced!  You don’t even have to play tennis - come watch, eat and enjoy an evening with your fellow HHSTC members.

PLEASE RSVP to Ashley Kuehne at kuehnea@comcast.net

Thanks and we'll see you soon,

Friday, April 19, 2013

2013 Swim Team Info

2013 Parent Handbook (this has all the info you need)

Ready to register? 

Click below...
Member Registration
Non-Member Registration 
(by-laws require non-members live at least 1-mile from the club)
Junior Hammerheads Registration 
(member/non-member price is the same)

About Hammerheads:

The Hammerheads Swim Team has been in action for the past 14 years!

We are a small team but we are mighty and we all have so much fun together at the pool! Joining our swim team is a GREAT way to for kids to see their friends during the summer and make lots of new friends! It is also a terrific way to teach kids the love of competition and instill in them a drive to do their personal best.

Any children 18 and under may join.

If you are interested in either more information on the Hammerheads Swim Team or would like to sign-up please contact:

John Jewett at: jwjewett@gmail.com or 678- 333-6313.


Lili Watts and Kristen Clayton

Members: $85 for 1st swimmer; $45 for each sibling (includes cap and tee-shirt; suit is optional), PLUS $20 league fee per child.

Non-members: $170 per child ($45 for each sibling), PLUS $20 league fee.

Junior Hammerheads: $50 per child.

Note: if you live within 1 mile of the pool, club by-laws require you become a club member in order to have a child on the swim team.

2013 Meet Schedule:

Tuesday, May 28 - Away vs. Hampton Hall South
Tuesday, June 4 -Away vs. Fountainbleau
Tuesday, June 11 -Home vs. Gainsborough
Tuesday, June 18 - Home vs. Huntcliff
Tuesday, June 25-Home vs. Deerbrooke Waters

2013 Practice Schedule:

Pre-season Practice Schedule

Monday, April 29 – Thursday, May 23
Practices will be available Monday-Friday (3 and up who are not yet fully ready for swim team)

Jr. Hammerheads: 4:30-5:00 pm
Click here for more info and details about requirements.

Beginner: 5:00-5:30 pm
(6 and under and any 7-8 year olds who are new to swimming and need more attention and hands-on instruction)

Intermediate: 4:00 – 5:00 pm
(7-10 year olds)

Advanced: 5:00-6:00 pm
(11 and up and any younger kids who are more advanced and want a harder workout)

Regular Practice Schedule

Starts Friday, May 24
Practices will be available Monday-Friday.
(No practice on Monday, May 27, Memorial Day)

Jr. Hammerheads: 8:00-8:30 am

Beginners: 8:30-9:00 am

Intermediate: 9:00-10:00 am

Advanced: 10:00-11:00 am

Night Practices 7 to 8pm on Monday and Wednesdays to include a stroke clinic.

Please try to make every morning practice as best you can!!!Remember you are a part of a TEAM and if you don't practice, it affects the whole team!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Junior Hammerheads Info

The Junior Hammerhead Development Team is for young (8 & Under) independent swimmers who have not quite mastered the skill level or confidence required for competitive swim team, such as swimming the length of the pool without hanging on the lane ropes, standing on the bottom before finishing, dive-in starts, and proper stroke technique.  
This program is designed to be a bridge between your child's swim lessons and competitive swimming.  Therefore, some swimming ability is a prerequisite.  A candidate for Junior Hammerheads should be able to tread water without a flotation aid and swim for 20 feet without assistance or pausing.  In a nutshell, the Junior Hammerhead program is not a group swim lesson but a training program to learn proper breathing and stroke fundamentals to make them confident competition swimmers.
Junior Hammerheads does not require ASA registration through AtlantaSwimming.com.  However, at a Hammerhead coach's determination, a swimmers may progress to a point for advancement to the senior swim team.  If a swimmer is "called up" to swim in a competitive meet, ASA registration will be required before a meet.  
Junior Hammerheads will not swim in the competitive swim meets unless "called up" by a coach.  However, with enough parental support, there may be one or more Junior Hammerhead "Minnow Meets".  Swimmers will be timed and award ribbons will be given to each competitor.  The Minnow Meets could be intra-squad or with another neighboring junior program.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Pool Hours and Summer Calendar!!!

Are you ready for summer?!? We are! 

Below are our pool hours and the summer calendar. All details and any schedule changes will be communicated via email and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HHSTC). 

Our calendar is also now online (http://www.hhstc.com/Calendar.html). If you use Goggle calendar and would like to add it to your calendars, just reply to this email with your gmail address and we'll send you the share link. 

See you soon! 

 2013 Pool Hours
Adult Swim-At-Your-Risk6 am to 10 am (all season long!)

May 24th – August 11th:10:30 am to 9 pm  (Mon - Thurs)
10:30 am to 10 pm  (Fri & Sat)
11:00 am to 8 pm (Sun)

Aug 12th – Sept 2nd:
3 pm to 7 pm (Mon/Wed)
10:30 am to 7 pm (Tues/Thurs)
10:30 am to 8 pm (Sat)
11:00 am to 8 pm (Sun)

Save the Dates:Fridays, May 24th – July 26th – Cookouts!

Sun, April 21st - 
Swim Team Suit/Sizing & Parent Orientation
Mon, April 29th - Swim Team Practice Begins
Sun, May 11th - Tennis Fundraiser/Party
Fri, May 24th - Opening Day!  
Mon, May 27th – Memorial Day Party
Tues, May 28th - Swim Meet Away
Sun, June 2nd – Good Neighbor Day
Tues, June 4th - Swim Meet Away
Wed, June 5th – Member Pot Luck  Dinner
Sat, June 8th – Kids Movie Night
Tues, June 11th – Swim Meet HOME
Sat, June 15th – DIP-OFF Party!
Tues, June 18th – Swim Meet HOME
Wed, June 19th – Member Pot Luck Dinner
Tues, June 25th - Swim Meet HOME
Thurs, July 4th – Parade and Party!
Sat, July  6th – Kids Movie Night
Sun, July 7th – Chamblee Day
Tues, July 9th – Swim Team Banquet/Party
Sun, July 14th – Senior Pot Luck Dinner
Sat, Aug 3rd – Kids Movie Night
Sat, Aug 10th – Member Pot Luck Dinner
Mon – Sept 2nd – Labor Day Party