Thursday, April 18, 2013

Junior Hammerheads Info

The Junior Hammerhead Development Team is for young (8 & Under) independent swimmers who have not quite mastered the skill level or confidence required for competitive swim team, such as swimming the length of the pool without hanging on the lane ropes, standing on the bottom before finishing, dive-in starts, and proper stroke technique.  
This program is designed to be a bridge between your child's swim lessons and competitive swimming.  Therefore, some swimming ability is a prerequisite.  A candidate for Junior Hammerheads should be able to tread water without a flotation aid and swim for 20 feet without assistance or pausing.  In a nutshell, the Junior Hammerhead program is not a group swim lesson but a training program to learn proper breathing and stroke fundamentals to make them confident competition swimmers.
Junior Hammerheads does not require ASA registration through  However, at a Hammerhead coach's determination, a swimmers may progress to a point for advancement to the senior swim team.  If a swimmer is "called up" to swim in a competitive meet, ASA registration will be required before a meet.  
Junior Hammerheads will not swim in the competitive swim meets unless "called up" by a coach.  However, with enough parental support, there may be one or more Junior Hammerhead "Minnow Meets".  Swimmers will be timed and award ribbons will be given to each competitor.  The Minnow Meets could be intra-squad or with another neighboring junior program.