Hi Members,
Our all-time swim team record holders are now online! Click here < http://www.hhstc.com/2013Records.html> .
Also, many of our sponsors have offered special coupons to our members and friends. Click here <http://www.hhstc.com/Sponsorship_files/HHSponsorshipCoupons2013.pdf> to print some fabulous deals.
Many thanks to all of our swim team parent volunteers and our 2013 sponsors <http://www.hhstc.com/Sponsorship.html> !
Also, be sure and check our blog for any news/updates you might have missed. Click here <http://hhstc.blogspot.com/ > .
And speaking of things you might have missed...have you seen the photos of our pool from the 60s? No? Well, it's probably because you haven't "liked" our Facebook Page.
Check it out and let us know if you can identify this young lady <https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=644491005569683&set=pb.175199739165481.-2207520000.1375325810.&type=3&theater> .
-HHSTC Board