Thursday, December 26, 2013

HHSTC Annual Meeting - Jan 26th

We hope that you are enjoying this holiday season. The recent caroling party was a huge success and the neighborhood is looking festive as always.

The time is quickly approaching when we hold our annual membership meeting. Please plan on joining us at the clubhouse Sunday, January 26th at 5:00 PM. There will be pizza and drinks for those in attendance.

We will review the financial state of the club and elect board members. If you are interested in donating a few hours of your time through the course of the year this meeting would be the first step in becoming acquainted with the club. Not all volunteers are required to sit on the elected board of directors. There are many committees that may touch on a particular strength of an individual. These committees include:

Swim Operations
Swim Team

Board members are entitled to votes at regularly scheduled board meetings, while committee members serve informally. Seeing how we are a fun loving crowd, a strong emphasis is placed on party planning. If you are vibrant and energetic, and willing to donate just a few hours, come join us. We would love to have you!

Lastly, we will provide an update on the future plans for the club. This past year has required significant research in order to determine how to best move forward. We feel that a good plan now exists and we need you to be an integral part of the process! You won’t want to miss this portion of the meeting. Thinking about future improvements for the club is exciting!

We hope that you will be able to attend the HHSTC Annual Meeting Sunday, January 26th at 5:00 PM. If, for any unfortunate reason, you are not able to attend but are interested in joining a committee and/or the board, please reply to this email. We will also take nominations for board members. If you know someone that you have always thought would be a great addition to the board, please pass along their information and we will handle the rest.

We hope that you have a safe and Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing many of you at the Annual Meeting!

-HHSTC Board