Hi Members,
What a beautiful opening weekend we seem to be having! Pool tags will be at the front table for pickup all weekend. If you joined or renewed in the last couple of days and/or you don't make it to the pool before Tuesday, we will deliver them to you early next week. Please place the tag on your pool bag, cooler, stroller or whatever you normally bring to the pool. You just need one for everyone coming under your membership. If you lose your tag and/or need another for some reason, let me know.
Note: if you just joined your name(s) might not be on the membership list, please just sign in on the guest sheet and if anyone asks, tell them you are new members :)
We will have our membership list at the front table - please find your household name on the list and mark down the day/time you came and the # of guests you have brought. Guest fees are $4/person (kids 3 and under are free). The detailed policy is pasted below. There's a locked guest fee box on the front table, please place your cash or check in the box. If you need change, ask the lifeguard during adult swim (which is every hour, for 15 minutes before the hour).
We operate mostly on the honor system and we rely on our members to help keep people honest and ensure that everyone at the pool is a member or has paid the guest fee. Although, our Board members and lifeguards do randomly take the sign-in sheet and walk around the pool, just to meet everyone and say hello. Oh, and by the way, we also politely kick people out who haven't paid :)
Our head lifeguard, Nick (tall guy, brown hair, at the pool all the time) is great about enforcing the rules. Please let him know if you believe someone is at the pool and shouldn't be - he will handle it.
And if you've missed any updates or emails (especially for those of you who just joined and haven't received any emails), I try to put everything on our blog:
Let us know if you have questions or problems.
And don't forget - we are having a cookout tonight (Friday) and Memorial Day.