Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tennis Camp for Kids & Other Tennis Updates!

We know everyone is excited about the pool opening in less than 2 months, but did you forget about tennis? We didn't!

Here are some very exciting tennis updates...

* Tennis Summer Camp for kids!!! Offered the weeks of July 22nd and July 29th. Click here for details or see the attached flier.

* Saturday, May 11th - Tennis "Fun"raiser.  An afternoon and evening filled with tennis, socializing, and merriment. Festivities will start around 4:00 and last into the evening - more details coming soon. If you are interested in helping plan this event, please contact Ashley Kuehne at
* We have a new lock on the tennis gate - but the code is the same, XXXX.

* Remember, court reservations are now all made online. Click here for details. The online code is XXXX. 

* Want to play tennis but don't have anyone to play with? Click here for our new online spreadsheet, where you can contact other members, based on their experience level and availability. Please add your info directly to the spreadsheet if you'd like to play more tennis! 

* Last but DEFINITELY not least...our Board voted unanimously to resurface our courts (have you seen the cracks?!?) and get new tennis nets!! We still have to work out the details regarding contractors and dates - but we expect to see it all happen before June. 

We have lots of other fun updates coming soon - plus our full summer calendar. 

Stay tuned and "like" us on Facebook, to get real-time news, updates and photos. 


Summer Tennis Camp for Kids!

Huntley Hills
Tennis and Swim Camp
by Matata Tennis

July 22-26  and/or  July 29-Aug. 2

Ages:             4-12 years 
Time:            8:30 AM – 2:00 PM 
Cost:              $110/wk  and 1 can of tennis balls  (sibling discounts offered)

Daily Schedule:

8:30 AM: Warm Up, Stretching (daily)

8:45 AM: Forehand and Backhand Ground strokes (M,W,F)

9:45 AM: Volley/Overhead/Serve (T, T, F)
          Court Agility, Speed, Footwork Drills (M,W,F)
          Short Ball/Warm-Up (T, T, F)
          Breathing Exercise (daily)

10:45 AM: Snack/Break

11:00 AM: Serve/Return Drills (F)
              Quiz on Tennis Court (M,W, F)
              Conditioning/Footwork (F)
              Different Tennis Games (daily)

*Note: Every 1/2 hr will be a 1-5 minute water break*

 11:30 AM: Cool Down/Summarizing daily accomplishments 

11:40-12:00 LUNCH in clubhouse or on tennis deck

12:00- 12:45  SWIM 

1:00-1:45 SWIM  (at 12:45 and 1:45 there is a 15 minute adult swim break-no kids in pool)

1:45-2:00  Pickup

What to bring:  snack, lunch (refrigerator provided), plenty of water, sunscreen, towel, and swimsuit

Please contact Ashley Kuehne at to sign up for camp!  

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Swim Team Info and Dates

Hello All,

It' s time to start planning for the summer.  Are you looking for the best pool and swim team around? You found us!

Check us out at HHSTC:

Come join the Huntley Hills Hammerheads Swim Team this season.  The swim team is open to all in and outside the Huntley Hills Neighborhood.

(If you live within 1 mile of the Huntley Hills pool, club bylaws require that you become a club member in order to have a child on the swim team.)

Below is a little information on the upcoming season.

Swim Team Important Dates

April 21 Sunday, 3:00 - 5:00pm Swim Team registration / Suit Sizing

April 21, Sunday, 5:00 ˆ 5:30pm New Parent Orientation

April 29, Monday, First pre-season practice

June 27, Thursday, ASA, Divisional's

June 30, Sunday, ASA, Championships

July 2, Tuesday, Swim Team Banquet / Awards

Swim Meets

All of the meets will be on a Tuesday night starting at 5:30 p.m.

The scheduled dates are: May 28, June 4, June 11, June 18, and June 25.


This year we have will be offering a Jr. Hammerheads swim program for those who are almost ready for the swim team. More to come!

If you already know you are going to join sign up early with the Atlanta Swim Association see link below.

All swimmers must register with the Atlanta Swim Association before swimming on the team. All swimmers must be registered by April 1st or will be subject to a late fee.

Total registration fee for the Atlanta Swim Association is $20. Follow the link to register.

Hammerheads Dues - We are very competitive with our team dues more to come on this very soon!!

If you have any questions concerning the swim team please contact me.

Thank you,

John Jewett - Swim Team Dad


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Potluck Dinner and Party - Saturday!

P-A-R-T-Y at the pool this weekend!

Saturday, March 16th, 6-8 p.m

Come on out for our first annual FREE St. Patrick's Day celebration!  We'll have a potluck dinner under the pool awning. Inside the clubhouse - dance party for kids!  Bring your favorite tunes on an ipod or MP3 player.

Wear green!

BYOB (no glass please). We'll supply a bit of green foodcoloring for those with a hankering for St. Patty's Day green beer.

This is not a drop off event - for those bringing kids, please plan to stay.

See you this Saturday!

Party Planners,

Amy Holmes-Chavez and Mary Finnegan

PS. If you are on our wait list or just interested in checking out our club for future membership - please come to the party! It will be a great chance to tour the club and meet some of our members.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Dues Due March 15th & Wait List Link

Hi Members,

Just another friendly reminder, dues are due by Friday, March 15th. Details at the bottom of this email.
If you have friends and/or neighbors that are interested in joining, please make sure they sign-up on the wait list by March 15th. It's the only way they'll be notified of space (if available), with a direct link to join. 
Here's the wait list link:   Thanks,

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 10:38 AM, HHSTC <> wrote:
Hi Members,
Just a friendly reminder, dues are due March 15th.

You can pay online:

You can also mail a check to: HHSTC, PO Box 80141, Chamblee, GA 30366

Dues remain unchanged from 2012:  Family: $500; Couple: $400; Single: $350

If you have already paid - thanks!! You should have received an email confirmation from me; if not, let me know.
If you haven't yet paid, please make sure you do so by March 15th, to avoid the $50 late fee and risk losing your spot to the wait list.

---- Leslie Freymann HHSTC Board Member, Membership Chair <>

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