Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tennis Camp for Kids & Other Tennis Updates!

We know everyone is excited about the pool opening in less than 2 months, but did you forget about tennis? We didn't!

Here are some very exciting tennis updates...

* Tennis Summer Camp for kids!!! Offered the weeks of July 22nd and July 29th. Click here for details or see the attached flier.

* Saturday, May 11th - Tennis "Fun"raiser.  An afternoon and evening filled with tennis, socializing, and merriment. Festivities will start around 4:00 and last into the evening - more details coming soon. If you are interested in helping plan this event, please contact Ashley Kuehne at
* We have a new lock on the tennis gate - but the code is the same, XXXX.

* Remember, court reservations are now all made online. Click here for details. The online code is XXXX. 

* Want to play tennis but don't have anyone to play with? Click here for our new online spreadsheet, where you can contact other members, based on their experience level and availability. Please add your info directly to the spreadsheet if you'd like to play more tennis! 

* Last but DEFINITELY not least...our Board voted unanimously to resurface our courts (have you seen the cracks?!?) and get new tennis nets!! We still have to work out the details regarding contractors and dates - but we expect to see it all happen before June. 

We have lots of other fun updates coming soon - plus our full summer calendar. 

Stay tuned and "like" us on Facebook, to get real-time news, updates and photos. 
