Friday, March 21, 2014

Swim Team Meeting and Suit Sizing

Calling all Hammerheads and Jr. Hammerheads!

The swim season is fast approaching and we need to suit everyone up! 

We are having a swim suit sizing on March 30th in the clubhouse from 1p – 3p.  We have a new suit that is awesome and will be the suit for the ongoing seasons.

For the Parents – we will have a meeting from 3 to 3:30. We will introduce ourselves and discuss what the upcoming season will entail as far as practices, meets, volunteer expectations and address any questions you may have.  We would love to have any parents that are considering having their children join the swim team attend the meeting to see what the swim team is about.

We look forward to seeing everyone and having a winning season!

Nick Guerrero and Mary Finnegan
Swim team managers

If you have any questions before the meeting, please call Mary at 404-444-7870