Friday, May 31, 2013

Cookout, Open House, Swim Meet, Pot-Luck Dinner and More

Upcoming events...

Tonight (May 31st) - Friday Night Cookout! 6pm-7pm; $4/meal; $1 ice cream
If you bought a punch card, it should be waiting for you at the cookout table. Also, veggie burgers will be for sale upon request :) 

Sunday - June 2nd - Good Neighbor Day! 
Pool is open to everyone; no guest fees. Please invite any friends or neighbors that might be thinking about joining. Also, please introduce yourself to people you don't know, help make everyone feel welcome, etc. Our club depends on new memberships to help support our capital improvements and this is a great opportunity to show everyone our pool and facilities and encourage people to join now or in the future. Thanks!

Tuesday - June 4th - Away Swim Meet
Our pool is usually almost empty - it's a great time to bring dinner to the pool, invite another family as your guests, etc. 

Wednesday - June 5th - Member Pot Luck Dinner 6pm - 7pm. Click here to sign-up, so we know how many to expect and have a good mix of food/desserts. If you can volunteer to help set-up, please reply to this email. Also, our volunteer Board will be meeting at 7:30, so if you'd like to share any concerns, suggestions, etc this is a good time and everyone is welcomed and encouraged to sit in on the meeting, 

Friday - June 7th - Friday Night Cookout!

Saturday - June 8th - Kids Movie Night in the Clubhouse (details coming soon)

Tuesday - June 11th - HOME Swim Meet
Pool closes at 3pm; come cheer on the Hammerheads! Great concessions available for dinner :)


As a reminder, swim team practices M/W at 7pm and have priority over the pool (shallow end and baby pool open will be open)Click here for pool hours. Since a few have asked, I'll clarify - we always have lifeguards (sometimes 2) during pool hours, even when the pool is practically empty. If you see any problems with the pool or lifeguards, please contact our President, Ryan Tracy ( 


-Leslie Freymann