Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend Update!

  • Today is opening day!! Hours are from 10:30 am to 10 pm. View our summer pool hours onlineNote: Swim Team has priority over the pool M/W from 7-8 pm in June.
  • Our Friday Night Cookout starts at 6 pm. $4 for a meal (burger/hotdog, chips and drink). Cash or punch cards only. Tonight Board member, Luis Moreno, will be in charge of the grill and he has as special surprise for everyone. So come check it out!  
  • Saturday we will be having very informal Round Robin Tennis Matches - so bring your racket with you to the pool and get ready to break in our beautiful courts!
  • Monday is our Memorial Day Party! Cookout around 12ish. Same deal as above. 
  • We have a bounce house for the kids all weekend, thanks to our terrific returning sponsor,Jump N' Slide (they rent bounces houses for only $110 for the entire weekend!).
  • If you haven't received your pool tag yet, it will be available in the guard room all weekend. If it's not, please reply to this email. Pool tags not picked up this weekend will be delivered or mailed Tuesday.
  • We will have member sign-in sheets at the front table, along with a guest fee box ($4/guest).View our guest fee policy online
  • Reminder: lifeguards are not responsible for watching the baby pool and all parents need to be responsible for watching their kids at the pool. Lifeguards are there to add a secondary level of protection. Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death in children ages 1 – 4, and the second leading cause when expanded to 19 years old.  A staggering 19% of these occur at guarded pools! 
Be safe and we hope you enjoy our opening weekend!