Sunday, July 28, 2013

Glass at the Pool

Hi Members,

We hope you have been enjoying your summer so far.  It feels as though it is winding down way too soon.  Hopefully the sun will make an extended appearance over the next few weeks.

We need to send out a reminder that glass containers are not allowed on the pool deck.  This rule is particularly important when you consider how much danger is presented by glass fragments.  As members we all have a responsibility to make sure rules are being followed.  If you see someone with a glass container, please make them aware of the rule and offer paper or plastic cups, which are stored in the kitchen.

If a glass container is broken on the pool deck, the pool must be drained and re-filled.  The cost to fill the pool about $1,200.  This amount will be charged to the member responsible for the violation.

With some foresight we can all ensure this type of accident never occurs at the pool. 

Thank you,