Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4th Recap and Party Photos

We had a great July 4th party at the pool today! Our parade was rain-free and we were able to get in almost all of our games before the thunder break. Many thanks to everyone who helped with the planning, decorating, grilling, clean-up, etc, etc. And a special thanks to Mary Finnegan for being in charge of the party this year! 

Parade photos are on the Huntley Hills Neighborhood Facebook Page and our party photos are on theHHSTC Facebook Page.

The kids played a quick game of Watermelon Football - sort of - you can see it in the photos. But the real game (old guys vs young guys) was rained/thundered out. So was the tee-shirt relay race. But that's ok - we'll do both during our Labor Day Party! 

No cookout this Friday and Saturday's movie night may or may not happen - just depends on weather and volunteers. Check our Facebook Page for last minutes updates.

Thanks Everyone!