Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Open Grill Friday and Tennis Reminder

Hi Members,

We won't be having a regular cookout this Friday (not enough volunteers) but we will have the large cookout grill available for members to use from 5:30 to 8pm (first come, first serve). Ryan Tracy has volunteered to set it up and clean it afterwards. Thanks Ryan!

Please bring your own food, plates, drinks, etc - and have fun!

Now, switching topics...

As a reminder, please be sure to always reserve the tennis courts online, even if nobody is using them and you are headed to the courts to play. Other members might sign-up at any time and they will come, expecting to play. You can check the status and reserve courts directly from your cell phone.

Here's the link: <>
Password: 2040
Gate Code: 2010

Thanks everyone,

Leslei Freymann