Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday cookout, Saturday Night Fever Party and Swim Meet

We hope everyone is finding the time to come cool off during this recent heat wave.  The water feels great!  Below are a few things upcoming over the course of the next week or so...
Our usual Friday Night Cookout kicks into gear at around 6 PM.  Saturday brings us our 1st Saturday Night Fever Party.  The party begins at 5 PM and will include disco themed music, games for all ages, and pizza/concessions.  This is fun for the entire family and will surely be a great time!  Tuesday will be the finalHammerheads swim meet of the season and it is a home match.  Come on out and support our swim team.  They have done a great job this year!  The pool will close at 3 PM in preparation for the meet.
And a reminder that the pool opens at 10:30 AM every day except Sunday, which is 11 AM, no exceptions.  Swimming prior to official opening times creates an unnecessary safety risk to swimmers below 18 years of age.  Participants of Swim at Your Risk, who have signed and returned the waiver, may use the pool between from 6 AM - 10 AM.